Glades Road Water Treatment Plant (WTP)/Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) On-site Chlorine Generators (OSG) Rehabilitation

The City of Boca Raton has always been at the forefront of advanced drinking water and wastewater treatment. Over a decade ago, the City converted from a gas chlorine storage-and-feed water treatment system to a safer on-site sodium hypochlorite generation-and-feed system (OSHG) that serves both the water treatment plant and wastewater treatment plant.

In 2013, Wharton-Smith was selected as the general contractor to replace the existing OSHG with three new 1,500-pounds-per-day generation units including installation of three individual stand pipes for hydrogen reduction. These units generate 0.8-percent sodium hypochlorite solution, which is transferred to the on-site storage tanks, where it is fed into the treatment process. The project also includes replacement of the two existing 70-ton brine tanks; replacement of the existing five FRP sodium hypochlorite storage tanks, all associated piping, valves and ventilation blowers; installation of an additional FRP 12-percent sodium hypochlorite storage tank and additional FRP chemical tank replacements; installation of centralized carbon filter/water softener system; installation of a semiautomatic/automatic 12-percent to 0.8-percent batch type dilution and product transfer pump system; construction of a climate controlled building to accommodate the OSHG system; demolition and replacement of the 12-percent sodium hypochlorite feed pumps and controls and associated piping. The project also included extensive site working including civil, mechanical, instrumentation, electrical, grading, and paving.

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