Player’s Club Water Reclamation Facility

Wharton-Smith provided Design-Bid-Build services at the Player’s Club Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) for St. John’s County. The scope included the construction of a new 2.4 MGD WRF. Construction took place on an existing WWTP site where operations could not be impacted while construction of the new plant was underway. The new WRF consisted of various site improvements including a new 3,312 s.f. operations building, a new 1,892 s.f. main electrical and blower building, a new 2,016 s.f. dewatering and chemical feed building, and a new precast concrete electrical building. Work also included the headworks structure, an odor control system, BNR tank, two prestressed clarifier tanks, a prestressed sludge tank, disk filter system, UV disinfection system, effluent pump station, a reuse pump station, and turbo blowers and PD blowers. The project was completed in March 2020.

See Project Gallery below.

Project Gallery