Shell Creek Water Treatment Plant Reverse Osmosis Addition

Wharton-Smith provided construction management services on the new reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment plant addition which was built adjacent to the existing Shell Creek Water Treatment Plant. The new plant is capable of producing 4 MGD and the finished water to be distributed is a blended product of both the new RO plant and the existing plant, which treats surface water from the Shell Creek Reservoir.

The overall project consisted of the 16,225 s.f. Reverse Osmosis Plant building which contains administrative offices, plant laboratories, a control and communications room, high pressure feed pump room, chemical storage rooms, breakroom/conference room, and restrooms. The 500 s.f. Sodium Hypochlorite building contains electrical and mechanical rooms adjacent to an open-air Sodium Hypochlorite holding tank storage area. The overall plant consisted of raw water well pumps, the 4 MGD reverse osmosis water treatment process and cleaning system, odor control systems, blending structures, one 2 MG ground storage tank, chemical feed systems, expansion to the existing ammonia feed system, new sulfuric accord storage feed system, wet well and pump station, and the replacement of high service Pumps 5 and 6.

This project was a successful collaboration between the two major divisions of Wharton-Smith. The Commercial Division managed the vertical construction components and the Water Division constructed the overall plant and horizonal construction components.

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