Three Oaks Wastewater Treatment Plant Oxidation Ditch Improvements

Wharton-Smith provided Construction Management services on Three Oaks WWTP Oxidation Ditch Improvements project. This work included demolition of an existing plant, installation of 36” force main that required two 36” wet taps and two 36” line stops; concrete and piping modifications to existing ditches, headwork/preliminary treatment structures, and existing splitter box structure that required bypass pumping; installation of three new 85’ diameter clarifiers; new splitter box for two clarifiers; two RAS/WAS stations that included five 20hp RAS pumps and two 5hp WAS pumps; a 1.5 million gallon oxidation ditch that has three 75hp aerators; added two 30hp brush aerators to existing ditches; relocated existing odor control system; modified existing belt press equipment, furnished, and installed a new belt press with shaftless screw conveyors; provided new in-plant pump station with two 10hp submersible pumps; installed a new administration building with block and stucco and standing seem roof; modified the existing electrical building, including replacement of MCCs; a new electrical building; electrical and instrumentation; new roadways; and storm water conveyance improvements.

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