Students Sign the Steel

On Feb. 12, Wharton-Smith project team members invited students, teachers and staff at Cypress Ridge Elementary School to sign their name on pieces of structural steel that will become part of their new 17,000-square-foot “cafetorium” (cafeteria and auditorium). See more photos.

What started out as a small group quickly turned into an event for the entire school with nearly 600 students—kindergarten through fifth grade— signing their names. This also provided an opportunity for teachers to take a photo with their class all while wearing Wharton-Smith hardhats.

The $5 million cafetorium project includes science and music classrooms and the demolition of the existing cafeteria. The project is on track to be completed in August 2019.

Kudos to Project Superintendent Willie Southerland for the great idea and to Logan Sleight, Assistant Project Manager and Fernando Rodriguez, Project Engineer Technician, for helping making it happen.